This weekend Andrew and I were graciously invited to attend a fundraiser for the Shining Rivers Waldorf School by our friends Ned and Kelly. I take my son Reis there every Friday for a parent-toddler program. We had the most FABULOUS time. Seriously, I was so giddy I couldn't sleep that night. Not only was it wonderful to have a night out with friends but we got to raise money for a school we really believe in.
There was both a silent auction and a live auction. The live auction was really fun, and addicting! We blew all our money on the very first item. It was for a tour of a sunflower farm here in Missouri, as well as 50 POUNDS OF SUNFLOWER SEED! 50 POUNDS people! Initially we thought it was only 25, which was MORE than enough, but it turns out we now have 50. SO, if any friends or family out there have a need for sunflower seed, just let us know.
I'm embarrassed to say that we actually don't even have a birdfeeder! I've been wanting one for about three years and just have never made it a priority enough to spend money on one. I guess now is the time. I just did a search on etsy and found these beauties. It turns out they are made here in St. Louis!!! It's karma...one of these must be mine...
You may want to consider one that is squirrel proof!