I've been busy here with laryngitis, pink eye, coughs, sore throats, runny noses, etc. Oh, summer colds how I wish you would take a hike.
I have also been busy designing an attic play space for two close friends and their two little ones. The attic is pretty small and squeezed into the eaves of the house with two large dormer windows. There is barely enough room for me to stand up straight. This space is
truly meant for children! My first reaction was, "this is like a tree house". Which reminded me of the
pillow shown above that I have been coveting on
Etsy for some time.
My inspiration was born, this space would be a
tree house. Some other
tree house inspired elements I wanted to incorporate were some
faux bois fabric,
faux bois carpet and vinyl tree decals.

Unfortunately the faux bois carpet blew the budget and we had to switch to Plan B for the flooring but everything else is coming together. Can't wait to show you the finished space!
If you are interested in working with Clover Hill Interiors to create a space that you love contact sara@cloverhillinteriors.com.